“The aerosol package is unique and my experience has been that promotion and defence of this package has united companies and individuals. I see no reason why our countries should not be similarly united in our future aerosol endeavours.”

Lindsay Showyin, Founding AAF President

Member Associations

The Asian Aerosol Federation has six member countries; Australia, China, India, Japan, Thailand and New Zealand.

Over the past ten years these countries have become aware of the need for a unified representative organisation for the aerosol industry in the Asia Oceania region, to promote the industry, enhance cooperation, improve communication and advocate environmental stewardship.

One of the key functions of the federation will be to foster those values and practices in other aerosol producing nations in the region, allowing for the creation of more national aerosol associations who will eventually join the federation.



Aerosol Association of Australia Inc.
Aerosol Association of New Zealand (Inc.)

Established in 1964, the Aerosol Association of Australia aims to  maximise the growth, prosperity and international competitiveness of its members.

Since 1996 it has provided the secretariat to the wholly autonomous Aerosol Association of New Zealand.

Together, both bodies' objectives are to:

  • Support and enhance the image of the aerosol as a packaging format;
  • Respond to media enquiries on aerosol issues as required;
  • Build relationships with educational institutions training providers and professional bodies, product specifiers and designers to promote greater understanding about the aerosol package and its advantages and potential;
  • Provide timely and informed advice to members;
  • Provide accessible and cost-effective training courses in aerosol technology and issues impacting on the industry for Association members and - where appropriate - the wider industry;
  • Reduce the regulatory burden on member companies by advocating for all agencies (Federal and State) to follow principles of Best Practice Regulation;
  • Promote the benefits of global harmonisation of regulatory requirements to regulators, members, key influencers and other industry associations locally and globally;
  • Keep abreast of key regulatory changes locally and internationally impacting the aerosol industry and keep members updated on issues;
  • Ensure the Association is viewed by Government and Regulators as ‘the’ authority on aerosol issues; and
  • Build effective alliances and relationships.

